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Early Intervention & Education Program

LUCDA participates in Wyoming's Early Intervention and Education Program. Reach out to your local LUCDA center for free screenings and services to help your children get on track to a successful future!
Services are provided in accordance with the Wyoming Department of Health's policies and procedures.
Click the link below to view policy information.
EIEP Part B/619 Special Education Manual 9.2021

Developmental Assessment

Children who are identified with suspected delays through screening, local education agency (LEA) and parents may receive a full multi-disciplinary assessment from Lincoln Uinta Child Development Association's professional staff. Service providers may include an Early Childhood Special Educator, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, Audiologist, Vision/Mobility Specialist, Child Psychologist or Social Worker. All results are discussed in depth with parents and a plan formulated for the child through collaboration of the entire team.

Developmental Screening

Throughout the year all centers offer developmental screenings for children birth through five. Screenings cover vision, hearing, problem-solving, social-emotional development, communication and physical skill development. These services are supported by local school districts and are free to families. If needs are identified during screening, follow up services are provided without cost.

Special Education Services

Throughout the year all centers offer developmental screenings for children birth through five. Screenings cover vision, hearing, problem-solving, social-emotional development, communication and physical skill development. These services are supported by local school districts and are free to families. If needs are identified during screening, follow up services are provided without cost.

LUCDA Regional Office

PO Box 570

Mtn. View, WY 82939


Fax: 307-782-7328

LUCDA Evanston

1013 W Cheyenne Dr. Ste B

Evanston, WY 82930


Fax: 307-789-5525

Bridger Valley CDC

PO Box 570

Mtn. View, WY 82939


Fax: 307-782-7328

Kemmerer CDC

1208 Elk Street

Kemmerer, WY 83101


Fax: 307-877-9650

Afton CDC

PO Box 877

Afton, WY 83110


Fax: 307-885-9287

Thayne CDC

PO Box  672

Thayne, WY 83127


Fax: 307-883-4118

Alpine CDC

PO Box 3052

Alpine, WY 83128


Fax: 307-654-4118


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